Misc Art

Catch-all page for all my random art pieces for this story.

 An early sketch from when I was still figuring out Haddock and Isolde's characters.

 Prior to the introduction of Sir Drexel and the duel being introduced to the plot, Isolde invited herself over to the Estate late in the afternoon just so that she could stay overnight to catch a glimpse of Haddock's wolf form.

Concept piece that looked better in my head...

Pistol studies.  Because.

Random sketches done for hair and 'spression studies.

Sir Drexel originally had black hair, but I lightened it up to a dirty blond to avoid him looking like a Haddock Clone; also exaggerated his features a bit.

Haddock's parents in their prime.  I balked at drawing Alistair with the wig, but seeing that he's a rich fellow he would have worn one in that day (I'll have to draw him sans wig later).

Some concepts for Haddock and Drexel's wolf forms; I wanted to keep each of them recognizable in both human and wolf form.

A much more lighter approach to Isolde suggesting that she'll be the bait for the Drexel Hunt.

A fluff picture of Haddock and Isolde just because. ^__^

I finally got around to coming up with designs for Haddock's siblings!  I threw in Momma and Poppa Haddock in their youth just because (and also since I wanted to draw Alistair without his wig), and Florence because people were curious about what she looked like.  As you can see, everyone here are werewolves.  All the siblings are the same age since Miriam had them all at once; in my universe werewolves have kids like wolves (in litters), so they typically only have one set of quintuplets or sextuplets in a lifetime...you know, unless they LIKE having a lot of kids running underfoot.

Fiona is the most like her mother, being a kind spirit who is a little more softspoken.  She's married to a fellow named Roger and they have five younguns.  Monroe prefers reading to fighting and owns a tailor shop in a small town.  His wife, Anna, is pictured next to him--they're expecting their first set of kids.

Grant is the wild child of the family who loves to brawl just for the heck of it, so he signed up for the British Army.  He returned from fighting overseas in the war between France to act as a training sergeant in the current timeline of the story.  He's also something of a ladies' man, breaking many a heart during his travels overseas.  Ainslay is the Negative Nancy sibling married to a hypochondriac werewolf named Felix.  She doesn't intend on having any children in the near future since she's a bit OCD herself and is always complaining about things getting dirty.  Douglass is the brother who died along with his father Alistair at sea.  He was the one who kept the siblings together, being the serious arbitrator of the group.  He left behind a fiancee named Celeste who hasn't married since his death.

I saw this painting and knew I HAD to use it for a Haddock and Isolde portrait.  I sketched the figures with blue lead and inked them traditionally before scanning them in and coloring everything in photoshop (which I updated recently and now all the brushes are weird so BEAR WITH ME).

The Whippersnappers: Douglass (named after Haddock's deceased brother) is on the far left and takes after his father as he likes to read.  He's also the type who lets his imagination run wild and while come up with some far-fetched whoppers to try to get out of trouble.  Isolde is holding Hetty (named after Hetty Bixby, the girl Drexel killed), who is very attached to her mother and the generous amount of dolls her aunts gifted her with.  She can turn into a little monster when her brothers steal said dolls and toss them around...  The boy holding the cat is Emery, who has collected a large amount of pets and plans on being a veterinarian someday.  He nursed the cat in the portrait--Nigel--back to health when he found the emaciated kitten cowering in the bushes with a freshly-missing tail a year ago.

I had fun playing around with shading and the background and textures to try to make this look more like an old portrait, though I think I might have gone a little too crazy with the adjustment layers, as usual.
A close up of my favorite panel from the Recovery II segment. ^____^

Sketch drawn while I worked on typing up Recovery II.

Haddock's new scars that he got from the Execution chapter, along with a sketch of Isolde.

Original illustration for the "Wolf and Woman" chapter was also going to be a comic book style to focus on Isolde's reaction to Haddock Wolf, but I liked the single illustration better in the end.

...Something silly. xD

I've been meaning to do some fancy portraits of the protagonists of the story, so here's the first of the two!  The BG is actually a photo from January when my dad and I went on a New Year's Eve run to The Habit for dinner since no one wanted to cook. xP

And here's Isolde's fancy portrait!  I didn't know what to do for the background so I just looked up Regency Era Ballrooms and photoshopped one to death.  ONE DAY I will get to visit a Georgian mansion and get my own photos!